“Prerequisites: Successful completion of all required course work for the Master of Arts in Education, Option in Educational Technology. Studies in educational technology including reviews of literature, critique of educational technology research, and systematic development and evaluation of areas of students’ prior work. For qualified candidates preparing for the comprehensive examination. Application for enrollment must…
Category: EdTech
ED P 520 – Quantitative Research Methods in Education
“Prerequisites: For majors in MA in Educational Psychology: ED P 419 or equivalent. For other majors: ED P 400 or equivalent. Examination and application of quantitative educational research methodology including research designs, sampling methods, inferential statistics and hypothesis testing, and the structure and content of a research proposal. Letter grade only (A-F).” Artifacts Research Proposal…
ETEC 551 – Education and the Internet
“Prerequisites: Either ETEC 411, 444, equivalent experience satisfying the California Level I computer technology standard, or consent of instructor. Survey of educational applications across the Internet; characteristics of teaching and learning mediated through the Internet; analysis and design of Internet-based learning activities; design and development of online courses; implementation, management, and administration of online learning….
Blogs in the Language Classroom
An idea I’ve been toying on implementing in the language classroom is blogging. I don’t mean this in a traditional sense where students will create a blog entry as a journal or to post their short essays in the target language. Well actually, yes this would be part of the idea, but in addition I…
ETEC 530 – Educational Technology Leadership
“Prerequisites: ETEC 523, or consent of the instructor. Examines leadership related to implementation of educational technology in education. Theory, knowledge, and skills necessary to use, evaluate, plan, and implement technologies in education system. Examines broader issues including security and cyber ethics.” Artifacts Facilitation of an online discussion This assignment required facilitation an online discussion on…
CECS 410 – Computers and Networks
“Prerequisite: Course design assumes familiarity with computers. Gain practical, hands-on experience in installing hardware and software on a PC. Learn what a computer network is and how it is similar to the telephone network. Learn the parts that make up a computer and a network. (Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours.) Not open for credit…
ETEC 570 – E-Learning Design and Development
“Prerequisite: ETEC 523 or consent of instructor. Introduction to e-learning design and development, including project management, instructional analyses and strategies, software selection, and evaluation. Interactive multimedia development applications, processes, and principles. Design and production of technology-enhanced instruction. Letter grade only (A-F). (Seminar 2 hours, Laboratory 2 hours)” Artifacts iMovie_Presentation: For this activity we had…
ETEC 510 – Foundations of Educational Technology
“Prerequisite: Either ETEC 411, 444, equivalent experience satisfying the California Level I computer technology standard, or consent of instructor. Introduction to the field of educational technology. Overview of theoretical approaches, research trends, major developments, and prominent issues in the field. Incorporation of social, historical, psychological, and philosophical perspectives in the study of educational technology. Letter…
ETEC 525 – Social and Cultural Implications of Educational Technology
“Examination of social and cultural implications of educational technologies, considering issues of cultural bias, equity, and questions of who benefits from particular technologies. International applications of computer technologies to promote learning about different cultures.”
ETEC 523 – Computer Technology in Education, Level II
“Prerequisites: ETEC 444 or equivalent experience satisfying California Level I computer technology standard. Principles for integrating computer technology into learning environments to improve: planning, designing and implementing learning experiences; educational communication and collaboration; assessment and evaluation. Meets California Level II computer technology standard.(Seminar 2 hours, laboratory 2 hours) Letter grade only (A-F).”